International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

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Paper Details

Chatting Application (KEY IJP************392)

  • Avinash Anil Pawar,Saurab Harinandan Mishra,Samarth Milind Gangawane,Sabir Walihassan Khan


The Java-based intranet chatting application is a software system designed to enable users within an organization to communicate with each other using an internal network. This application provides a reliable and secure platform for communication between team members, departments, and project groups. The application is designed to be used in a client- server architecture with a central server that manages the communication between users. The application is built on Java technology, which makes it platform-independent and easily accessible to all users regardless of the operating system on their computer. It is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, with a simple and modern user interface that enables users to easily navigate the system and quickly start chatting with their colleagues. The application includes various features such as group chat, file sharing, paging, and private messaging, which make it a comprehensive communication tool. The group chat feature allows users to create and join different chat groups, where they can discuss topics relevant to their work.. The paging feature enables users to send important messages to their colleagues that require immediate attention, while the private messaging feature enables users to send messages to specific individuals. The application also includes an administrative control feature, which allows the administrator to manage users, chat groups, and user access permissions. The administrator can create and delete chat groups, add and remove users from groups, and control the access permissions of users. In terms of hardware and software requirements, the application requires a computer or laptop with Java Runtime Environment installed, an internet connection.Keywords : Chatrooms, Platform Independent, internet

DOI LINK : 10.58257/IJPREMS31194
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