International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
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The demand for power is increasing day-by-day throughout the world. The conventional power sources are reducing gradually and produce emissions of greenhouse gases to the environment. This issue can be overcome, to encourage society towards the innovative development of alternative renewable energy (RE) sources. The aim of this paper is to track MPP from the solar PV array by the proposed AI controller for irradiation changes and comparing results with PO, FL and ANN based MPPT controllers. Photovoltaic (PV) plant with grid-connected output that uses the Incremental Conductance Method and Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). Due to interactions between different semiconductors and variable loads, the input source contains harmonic distortion, voltage sags and swell, and other power quality problems in the previous convolution method. Solar photo-voltaic (PV) arrays have non-linear characteristics with distinctive maximum power point (MPP) which relies on ecological conditions such as solar radiation and ambient temperature. In order to obtain continuous maximum power (MP) from PV arrays under varying ecological conditions, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control methods are employed. MPPT is utilized to extract MP from the solar PV array, high-performance soft computing techniques can be used as an MPPT technique. Different MPPT techniques have been used to compute MPP and improved efficiency of the PV panel. AIAPO, ANN, FL and PO MPPT methods have been chosen to obtain this objective. Simulation results showing that the system in which proposed control method has been used gives better performance and reduce fluctuations of the MPP as compared to PO, FL and ANN based MPPT technique at rapid changes of irradiation. In order to fabricate a reliable and real time hybrid system, there is a massive scope of research to develop multi- input renewable energy systems.Keywords: Photovoltaic, Converter, MPPT, GRID, fuzzy logic controller, artificial intelligence Network
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