International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details


  • Hitesh Rakesh Chauvan ,Jujhaar Singh Saini,Nikhil Gedam


The management influence on the potential for carbon sequestration of diverse land use types is little understood at the national level. Carbon sequestration, a booming area of research, is a key component of a complete plan for controlling carbon emissions to reduce rising CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. According to estimates, terrestrial ecosystems might store a significant quantity of carbon during the next 50 years. The impact of this sequestration may help buy time for other technologies to become operational by postponing the need for more extreme reductions in world emissions. There is considerable interest in scientific breakthroughs that might be utilized to increase soil carbon sequestration. There are new plans to initiate research that may assist decrease rising CO2 emissions through particular efforts to sequester CO2. Carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems is defined as the net removal of CO2 from the atmosphere into long-lived carbon storage. This can comprise live biomass located above ground (such as trees), biomass-derived wood products with a long useful life (such as timber), living biomass found in soils (such as roots and microorganisms), or refractory organic and inorganic carbon in deeper subsurface ecosystems. The necessity to boost photosynthetic carbon fixation alone must be emphasized. Long-lasting pools must have this carbon fixed in them. Thus, one may not be increasing carbon sequestration but rather changing the magnitude of fluxes in the carbon cycle. Planting more trees has the potential to boost the ability of forests to store carbon. Our study found that the establishment of protected natural vegetation is the best practise of restoration because it provides a cost-effective mechanism that prevents animals from grazing freely and human interferencecin nature. We calculated DBH of 200 trees within the 60,703 m2 of campus area within 3 weeks,where we estimated total campus carbon capture to be 601kg. Keywords -carbon sequestration, biomass, carbon cycle, ecosystems, photosynthetic carbon.

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